私たちはこの学校で学んだ日本語力や知識・経験を両翼とし、学生が夢や目標に向かって、志高く羽ばたけるよう、日々 学生に向き合っています。母国を離れ、日本に大きな夢を持ってやってくる学生一人ひとりに寄り添って、その夢を具現化 したいー そんな思いで学校作りをしています。
Our mission is to support our students in pursuing their dreams and goals by providing them with the Japanese language skills, knowledge and experience they need to succeed. We are here to supporteach and every student who has lefttheir home country for Japan to make their dreams a reality.
What is SBC?
“School of Borderless Communication”
私たちは、あらゆる人が自分らしく活躍できるボーダレスな社会を目指しています。SBC姫路日本語学院では イベントや奉仕活動などを通して、地域の方と触れ合いながら、日本文化や日本語を身に付けることができます。 姫路在住の外国人はまだ比較的少なく、本気で日本語を身に付けたい人には最適な環境です。
We aim to create a borderless society where everyone can flourish in their own way. SBC Himeji Japanese Language Academy help our students master the Japanese language and culture by providing opportunities for them to participate in local events and volunteer activities and interact with the local people. As there are relatively few foreigners living in Himeji, it is an ideal place for those who want to immerse themselves in the language and culture and improve their Japanese.
兵庫県姫路市は、雄大な山があり、豊かな海があり、活気あふれる街があり、歴史ある遺産があり、日本らしい 美しい風景に出会える地域です。また、気候が温暖で、交通の便も発達しているため、安心・安全で暮らしやすい地域です。姫路城をはじめ、動物園・水族館・美術館など魅力的なスポットが盛りだくさんです。
Himeji city is located in Hyogo prefecture, where you can find majestic mountains, a beautiful ocean, and a vibrant city that is also full of history. Here you can see typical beautiful Japanese buildings and scenery. Himeji also has a mild climate and convenient public transport, which make it a convenient, secure, peaceful city. As well as the famous Himeji Castle, there are a many great sightseeing spots like the zoo, the aquarium, and local art galleries.
Balanced Learning:Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
「心がつながる日本語」が身につくA focus on self-expression and conversation skills - expressing yourself in Japanese
Courses range from beginner to the most advanced levels of the JLPT and EJU
JLPT and EJU orientation programs separately for interested individuals
Further education guidance and orientation support
Individual guidance
Career advice
このコースは1年、1年6か月又は2年の間、日本語を学ぶコースです。進学や日本語能力試験対策など、 学生のニーズに応えられる授業内容や語学習得以外にも日本文化を体験できるプログラムが特徴です。
There are three options for the Japanese studying course: a one-year course, one-and-half year course and two-year course. We have set ourselves apart by offering a variety of courses to meet our students’ needs from university entrance exam and Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) preparation, courses combining Japanese language learning and Japanese cultural experiences, and more.
1 year¥765,500
Entrance examination fee¥30,000
Enrollment fee¥50,000
Tuition fee¥600,000
Other Expenses¥70,000
Advance payment¥15,500
First year¥765,000
1 year 6 months¥1,115,000
Entrance examination fee¥30,000
Enrollment fee¥50,000
Tuition fee¥900,000
Other Expenses¥110,000
Advance payment¥25,000
First year¥775,000
second year¥340,000
2 year¥1,454,500
Entrance examination fee¥30,000
Enrollment fee¥50,000
Tuition fee¥1200,000
Other Expenses¥140,000
Advance payment¥34,500
First year¥784,500
second year¥670,000
Advance payment・・・Visa application fee, JLPT examination fee, airport transfer date, slippers fee
Other Expenses・・・Facility / equipment costs, teaching materials costs, extracurricular activity costs, health examination fees
Dormitory fee
A student dormitory is available within walking distance of the school. All the necessary items for daily life including an air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, rice cooker, microwave oven and WIFI access are provided.
ルームシェア (4名) shared by 4 person |
ルームシェア (3名) shared by 3 person |
ルームシェア (2名) shared by 2 person |
ワンルーム マンション single person |
初期費用 Initial expenses |
¥50,000 | |||
寮保証金 Deposit |
¥30,000 | |||
6ヶ月分の家賃(例) Rent for 6 months(Ex.) |
¥90,000 | ¥120,000 | ¥180,000 | ¥240,000 |
合計 Total |
¥170,000 | ¥200,000 | ¥260,000 | ¥320,000 |
Single Person他人に気を遣うことなく好きなように過ごすことができます。
You can live in your own style without worrying about disturbing the others.
For those who value their hobbies and private life.・静かな部屋で暮らしたい方
For those who want to live in a quiet room.¥40,000/month~
Shared by 2-4 personキッチン・バスルーム等はルームメイトと共有しますが、個室があるため安心して生活できます。
You will share the kitchen and the bathroom with your roommates, and you can also enjoy your own room.
For those who want to save expenses.・様々な国の学生と共同生活がしたい方
For those who want to live together with the students from the other countries.¥15,000/month~
※ The photo is an image. The room you live in depends on the availability of dormitory.
※ Initial expenses include deposit, key money, commission, fire insurance, and equipment fee are non-refundable.
※ The dormitory deposit includes cleaning and repair expenses required at the time of leaving. While leaving the dormitory: Any
unpayed utility expenses/bills, loss from intentionl destruction of properties, disposal charge of any abandoned personal
properties will be deducted from the security deposit before a refund can be issued.
Study Period & Proficienry Level
Level | 初級 Beginner |
初中級 Pre-intermediate |
中級 intermediate |
上級 Advanced |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
JLPT | N5 | N4 | N3 | N2 | N1 | |||
OPI(目安) Reference |
初級-上から中級-下 Pre-intermediate ~ Low intermediate |
中級-中 Intermediate |
中級-上から上級-下 Upper intermediate ~ Pre-advanced |
上級-中 Advanced |
上級-上 Upper advanced・Proficient |
Month | 0-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-24 |
Level | JLPT | OPI(目安) Reference |
Month | |
初級 Beginner |
1 | N5 | 初級-上から中級-下 Pre-intermediate ~ Low intermediate |
0-3 |
初中級 Pre-intermediate |
2 | N4 | 中級-中 Intermediate |
4-6 |
中級 intermediate |
3 | N3 | 中級-上から上級-下 Upper intermediate ~ Pre-advanced |
7-9 |
4 | 10-12 | |||
上級 Advanced |
5 | N2 | 上級-中 Advanced |
13-15 |
6 | 16-18 | |||
7 | N1 | 上級-上 Upper advanced・Proficient |
19-21 | |
8 | 22-24 |
Guidance for advancement to
higher education
進学説明会 / 進学オリエンテーション / EJU対策 / JLPT対策 / 豊富な資料 / 進学相談
Guidance for higher education
Orientation support for Universities and vocational schools
EJU/JLPT orientation program
Plenty of materials
Individual consulting
Japan Cultural Experience Programs
Introduction of Japanese traditional cultures like Budou, sightseeing, food, entertainment etc
Budou(Martial Arts)柔道の技、空手の型などを見学・体験します
Experience judo, karate, etc. -
Learn how to write Japanese sayinga and seasonal expressions with a brush and ink stone. -
Tea ceremony自分で茶筅を使って美味しいお抹茶を点ててみましょう
Try making delicious Japanese tea on your own. -
Flower Decoration季節の花を生けることで、日本の四季や文化を学びます
Learn Japanese culture and seasons by arranging seasonal flowers. -
Origami(Paper folding/cutting)一枚の紙から植物た動物などを折りあげます
Folding a piece of paper into the shape of a plant or animal. -
Try on Japanese traditional clothes, called Kimono or Yukata. -
Cherry-blossom viewing校舎横の運河公園や姫路城の桜は必見です
The park beside the school building and cherry blossoms around Himeji castle are a must-see! -
Autumn leaves sightseeing書写山、好古園など、紅葉する景色を楽しみます
Enjoy the beauty of the autumn leaves in the mountains of Shosha-zan and Kokoen. -
Zen Medication心身を落ちつけ、心と向き合う静かなひと時を過ごしてみませんか
Relax your mind and body by spending a quiet moment in meditation. -
Challenge yourself to make unique pottery work. -
Japanese food/cookingユネスコ無形文化遺産「和食」を姫路で活躍する食のプロから学びます
Learn to make Japanese dishes listed as UNESCO intangble cultural heritage items from a professional Japanese chef. -
Izakaya Experienceレストランやバーとも違う日本独特の居酒屋で食文化を体験
Experience the unique Japanese izakaya food culture. -
Banshu dialect course姫路のある播州地方の方の話す言葉、方言を学び交流しましょう
Learn the speak in the local dialect of Himeji. -
Castle cleaning地域の方々と交流を深めながら姫路城をきれいにします
Clean Himeji Castle while interacting with the local people. -
Enjoy ten-pin bowling with your classmates. -
A typical Japanese cultural experience event ranged from Japanese songs to any popular songs in the world. -
Re-discover Japan's charm through pop culturte! -
Try dressing up as a Ninja or Sengoku Commanders! -
You can experience the culture and customs of Japanese people's daily life by living with them.
Life in Japan
8:00 起床
Get up8:15 朝ごはん
Breakfast8:30 登校
Go to school9:00~12:15 授業
Lessons13:00 昼ごはん
Lunch15:00~19:00 アルバイト
Part-time job19:30 帰宅
Go home20:00 晩ごはん
Dinner21:00 自習
Study time23:00 就寝
Bed time -
Annual events
Himeji event学校イベント
School event姫路城好古園 夜桜会
姫路城 観桜会
Himeji Castle-Kokonoen Night view of Sakura
Himeji Castle-Sakura viewing4月April入学式 / お花見 / 健康診断
School enrollment ceremony Flower viewing outing
-Health checkup School orientation姫路お城まつり
Himeji Castle Festival5月May防災センター BBQ
Disaster prevention center / BBQ姫路ゆかたまつり
Himeji Yukata Festival6月June期末試験 / 日本留学試験
Final Examination / Japan School enrollment test姫路みなと祭(花火大会)
Himeji Harbor Fireworks Festival7月July文化体験 / 日本語能力試験
JLPT(Japanese Language Proficienry Test)
Cultural experience / Traffic safety class家島ぼうぜペーロンフェスタ
IESHIMA Boat Racing Festival8月August夏休み
Summer Vacation姫路城好古園 観月会
Himeji Castle-Kokonoen Moon Viewing9月September期末試験 / 進学オリエンテーション
Final Examination / Higher education orientation好古園 紅葉会
Kokonoen Autumn Leaves Festival
Himeji International Communication Festival10月October入学式 / 健康診断
School enrollment ceremony / Health check書写山もみじまつり
Mt. shosha maple festival11月November日本留学試験 / 防災センター / 文化体験
Japan school enrollment test
Disaster prevention center / Cultutal experience師走大祓式
Shiwasu Ooharai-shiki
(Shiwasu Great Purification ceremony)12月December日本語能力試験 / 冬休み
JLPT / Final Examination / Winter vacation
Traffic safety class歳旦式
New Year Ceremony1月January書初め / 成人式 / 進学オリエンテーション
First writing of the year / Coming-of-age ceremony
Higher education orientation姫路城マラソン
Himeji Castle Marathon2月February校外学習 / 日本語スピーチコンテスト
Off campus learning / Japanese speech contest3月March期末試験 / 卒業式 / 春休み
Final examination / Graduation ceremony
Spring vacation
Information about the area around the school
night view of the Seto Inland Sea -
Otemae bouleyard
Click here for more information in Himeji city
Scholarships are available for students with good grades and high attendance rates.
Selection will be conducted in the school, taking into account the level of Japanese progress,
learning goals, and attendance rate.
It is paid every semester to several students.
To receive scholarship, it is necessary to satisfy the following condtions:
Achievement Excellence Award
You must have a student visa.
All teachers in charge of classes can recommend studfent based on their attitudes and grades.
Over 95% class attendance rate.
For screening purposes, you must be able to write a composotion in Japanese.
You must be available for a screening interview.
Full Attendance Award
You must have a student visa.
All teachers in charge of classes can recommend studfent based on their attitudes and grades.
100% class attendance rate.
For screening purposes, you must be able to write a composotion in Japanese.
You must be available for a screening interview.
JLPT N1/N2 Qualification Award
You must pass the JLPT N1/N2 test while enrolled at the school.
Over 90% class attendance rate.
Proof of passing the JLPT test.
We can also help you apply for scholarships from other sources, Please inquire for details.
Students with international Student residence status are required by law to join the National Health Insurance program.this covers 70% of medical expenses when you are sick or injured. This must be paid for by the students themselves. Our students will also be enorolled in a separate insurance scheme to cover the remaining 30% of medical expences not coverd by National Health Insurance. We charge this insurance fee along with your tuition.
Medical check up
Student must a health check-up after enrollment.
Q. | 授業は全て日本語ですか? Are all the lessons(speaking and writing)in Japanese? |
A. | 基本的に全て日本語で行います。国内外での教授経験を持つ教師がイラストやボディランゲージを使い、分かりやすく教えます。 Basicall all in Japanese. Teachers with teaching experience in Japan and overseas will use illustrations and body language to teachin an easy-to-understand manner. |
Q. | 午前と午後にクラスがありますが、どちらか選べますか? There are classes in the morning and afternoon. Can I choose which I enter? |
A. | いいえ、午前か午後コースかは入学前にレベルチェックテスト(筆記・口頭)により、決定します。 No.This will be decided based on the results of your level check test(Writing & Speaking). |
Q. | アルバイトはできますか? AM I allowed to have a part-time job? |
A. | 入国管理局の資格外活動許可を取得後、1週間28時間以内のアルバイトをすることができます。
イトをお勧めしていません。 You can work part-time up to 28 hours per week after getting permission from the immigration Bureau. You can work part-time only with jobs permitted for international students. In addition, part-time jobs of up to 8 hours a day are permitted during long vacations. Part-time jobs are not recommended within the first two months of enrolment to give students time to get used to life in Japan. |
Q. | 空港からの送迎はありますか? Pick-up service from airport available? |
A. | 関西国際空港に到着した際のピックアップ・サービスも手配できます。詳細はお問い合わせください。 Pick-up service when you arrive at Kansai International Airport can be arranged. Please inquire details. |
Q. | 自分でアパートを借りたいです。 May I rent an apartment on my own? |
A. | 不動産業者を紹介することが可能です。一度お問い合わせください。 We can introduce you to a real estate agent. Please inquire for details. |
Q. | 絶対に国民健康保険に入らなければいけませんか? Do I have to join the national health insurance program? |
A. | 日本に3か月以上住む人は国民健康保険への加入が義務づけられています。
また、進学手続き時に国民健康保険証の提示が求められることがあります。 People who live in Japan for more than 3 months are required by law to join the National Health insurance scheme. You may be required to present your National Health Insurance card at the time of enrollment in the school. |
Q. | もっと詳しい資料はありますか? Do you have more details information? |
A. | ホームページに詳細を掲載しております。また、質問等はメールでも受け付けています。お気軽にお問い合わせください。 Detailed information is posted on our homepage. In adition, questions and correspondence are always welcome by e-mail. Please don't hesitate to contact us. |